Reaction: 54 :kreygasm:

Top Reaction Givers

Name # Reactions Given % of this Giver's Total Reactions Given
Marisol Taylor 32 2.07%
Margaret Christopher 7 1.49%
Leon Martin 1 0.74%
Briana Helene 3 0.28%
Tommy Leon 2 0.24%
Dixie Pamela 1 0.19%
Brittney Toni 1 0.12%
Rene Debra 1 0.04%

Top Reaction Receivers

Name Total Reactions Received % of this Receiver's Total Reactions Received
Dixie Pamela 2 1.08%
Ester Amie 2 0.67%
Marisol Taylor 5 0.46%
Mandy Charlotte 2 0.38%
Brittney Toni 7 0.37%
Gena Mathew 2 0.33%
Juliette Jack 3 0.33%
Nancy Jeri 3 0.32%
Esperanza Lakisha 3 0.3%
Gloria Andrew 2 0.29%
Pauline Fay 1 0.27%
Gabriela Philip 5 0.25%
Leon Martin 1 0.25%
Margaret Christopher 1 0.18%
Leaderboard Lover 3 0.16%