Reaction: 34 :speech_balloon:

Top Reaction Givers

Name # Reactions Given % of this Giver's Total Reactions Given
Jared Casandra 27 4.62%
Juliette Jack 1 0.37%
Margaret Christopher 1 0.21%
Dixie Pamela 1 0.19%
Aurora Bette 1 0.12%

Top Reaction Receivers

Name Total Reactions Received % of this Receiver's Total Reactions Received
Jared Casandra 7 1.14%
Cleo Daryl 4 0.58%
Tommy Leon 2 0.45%
Emilia Consuelo 2 0.36%
Margaret Christopher 2 0.35%
Leon Martin 1 0.25%
Gabriela Philip 4 0.2%
Glenda Ramon 1 0.14%
Teri Madelyn 2 0.1%
Aurora Bette 1 0.1%
Briana Helene 1 0.09%